Dear Gardens Family,
It is with much excitement and anticipation that we announce the reopening of the Nursery and the Wiggle Space & Bags starting this Sunday, August 15.
Ms. Amy Kirk and Ms. Cindy Woodrow who are both vaccinated will be in the Nursery beginning at 9:15 am until 11:45 am. Both adults in the Nursery will be masked. Babies and children ages birth until about 3 or 4 are welcome to come and play during this time.
We are also reopening the Wiggle Space in the sanctuary and will have Wiggle Bags available for children.
Wiggle Bags are sensory bags available for children featuring soft toys for them to play with while seating with parents and family.
Wiggle Space in the back corner of the sanctuary. The wiggle space will feature a table, some crayons, and some other resources to help your children succeed in worship. The wiggle space is intended to be an alternative space for you to be with your children during the worship service if they are in need of a “change of scenery.” Feel free to get up and allow your children to walk and stretch their legs and engage in some of the activities in the wiggle space. The wiggle space is not intended to be a place where children play unattended by their parents and there will be no GPC volunteers or staff there to coordinate the area. You should feel free to come and go from the wiggle space as your child needs to during the worship service.
Just a reminder, ALL are welcome at Gardens Presbyterian Church!
And Relax! God put the wiggle in children; don’t feel you have to suppress it in God’s house.