When you enter Gardens Presbyterian Church, you’ll often see piles of donated items filling the church office area.  Many of the items are new and used household goods, clothing, toys, school supplies, groceries and big box items from Costco or Sam’s Club.  Once a week, one of our church members volunteers to take these items to Program REACH through Adopt-A-Family of the Palm Beaches, Inc. If Program REACH can’t use the items, they are passed along to other local charities in our community. Though they have a wish list, there isn’t much you can send that Program REACH won’t put to good use. Often residents arrive with only the clothing on their back. Keep in mind  when you shop for non-perishable BOGO food products or when you’re cleaning out your closet.

You can help our church ministry…

Weekly We accept non-perishable food items and after school snacks for Dorothy’s Pantry at Program REACH.

Home Goods, Clothing, Bedding, etc… We collect home goods, clothing, bedding items for the families at Program REACH.  You are welcome to bring your items in anytime during office hours and leave them in the lobby. 

Dress for Success Closet  Program REACH is starting a “Dress for Success Closet” of clothes for young women of all sizes to wear to job interviews. Any clothes or shoes you think might be good for this program, please label “Success Closet” and drop them off at the church office.

Back to School We collect school supplies and new backpacks for children in elementary, middle and high school over the summer for delivery to Program REACH before the start of the school year.

Easter The Deacons assemble Easter baskets full of goodies for the children staying at Program REACH.

Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Dinners are prepared and delivered to the families residing at Program REACH.  If you would like to make a donation for this event, kindly indicate REACH Thanksgiving in the memo section of your check.

Christmas We collect and deliver donated gifts for the children at Program REACH for Christmas. The church’s Christmas tree has tags on it with a child’s name, gender and age that you can shop for.




Gardens Presbyterian Church has a long history with Program REACH through Adopt-A-Family of the Palm Beaches, Inc.

Program REACH is the largest emergency shelter for families with minor children experiencing homelessness in Palm Beach County. Adopt-A-Family staffs and operates the Palm Beach County-owned shelter.

Program REACH provides immediate shelter for families living in places not meant for human habitation, including cars and parks. The program has 19 apartments and is designed to help families secure a permanent housing solution within 90 days. The program offers housing-focused case management, a food pantry, tutoring for students, mental health therapy, incentivized savings programs, and linkage to housing options.

From July 2016-Feb 2021, 402 families have received shelter services. Additionally, 91% of the 385 families that exited the program moved to permanent housing. In the 2020 calendar year, 96 families were provided with shelter services.