Hello Gardens,
During this time of our physical separation due to our practicing of social distancing, we are committed to remaining in community and relationship with one another and our God. To that end, I am happy to share with you the way we will be conducting worship in this interim period while we are physically apart. We will be utilizing the video conferencing program called zoom (www.zoom.us). Zoom allows us to be more interactive than Facebook Live, and allows the various people who will be leading worship to lead from their own separate locations.
Each Sunday morning at 10:30am we invite you to join us for worship via zoom. You can access zoom worship one of three ways: (1) each week in the weekly e-blast you will receive an invitation and link for our zoom worship meeting. Simply click on the link in your email at 10:30am on Sundays to join us for worship; (2) if you lose your email in your inbox, you can go to the GPC Group page on Facebook and you will find the link to our zoom worship meeting posted on the Facebook group page. Simply click on that link and it will direct you to our online worship; (3) if you are not on Facebook we will also post the link to our zoom worship meeting on the GPC website, www.gardenspresbyterian.org.
I would also like to invite you to an online “meet and greet” with me and one another that will give us an opportunity to explore and get more familiar with the zoom platform. Later this evening you will be receiving an email with an invitation and link to join me online tomorrow at either 11:30am or 2pm. Again, this will give you an opportunity to see one another, chat about how things are going, and become more familiar with zoom.
I know these are strange times and we are having to adapt to countless “new normals.” For the time being, Zoom will be our primary tool for connecting with one another, worshiping, and also for conducting Bible study and meeting online for prayer.
I look forward to seeing you online tomorrow and on Sunday.
Pastor Kyle